How Often Should You Wash Towels?

Once a day? Once a week? Twice a week? So, how often should you be washing your towels? Let's break it down.

The Hidden Problem

Believe it or not, your bath towels are a breeding ground for microscopic organisms like bacteria and fungi. 

Your towel can become a haven for these germs. The combination of water, humidity, warmth, and oxygen creates the perfect environment for bacteria and fungi to thrive, which can lead to some pretty unpleasant consequences.

Why Washing Your Towels Matters

Using a towel that isn't cleaned regularly means you're transferring bacteria and fungi back onto your skin every time you dry off. Gross, right? This becomes even riskier if you're sharing towels, as the germs can easily be passed from one person to another. The consequences range from mild skin irritations to more serious infections.

Our Expert Recommendation

We recommend washing your bath towels after every 3 uses. And a crucial tip: don't share your towel with others, even with your loved ones. Sharing increases the chances of transferring germs, putting you at greater risk of infections.

While many bath towels are designed to withstand heavy use, they can quickly develop odors—especially if they aren't properly aired out after use. If you're particularly active, working out regularly or in a physically demanding job, you may want to wash your towels more frequently to keep them fresh and hygienic.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Count Uses, Not Days – Think about the number of times you use a towel, not just the number of days it's been in use. Some people shower multiple times a day, while others may skip days in between. So, the rule of thumb is to wash your towel after 3 uses.

  2. Wash Regularly – Wash your bath towels at least once every 3 uses to ensure they remain clean and hygienic.

  3. Don't Share Towels – Sharing towels, especially bath towels, can spread bacteria. Keep your own towel for personal use.

Need Help with Laundry?

If you're too busy to deal with laundry, My Locker Laundry is here to help. We'll take care of all your laundry needs—from bath towels to hand towels, bed sheets, comforters, and more—any day of the week, at any time.

Find out more about our services here

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